U9 + Lean Production LPS project kick-off meeting was successfully held 2020-03-18

U9 + Lean Production LPS project kick-off meeting was successfully held

On March 18, 2020, the company group and the service provider successfully held the U9 + lean production scheduling LPS project kick-off meeting.
The group's chairman, general manager, executive deputy general manager, deputy general manager of marketing and other senior management personnel, ERP project managers and project team members participated in this meeting to witness this important moment.

Chairman Yang Peishun emphasized the urgency and importance of the project.
In order to meet the needs of future enterprise informatization, digitization, and intelligence, the implementation of the LPS project is imminent. This is a crucial part of the company's information transformation process.

In 2020, the company group will enter a new ERP + development stage with an aggressive attitude. This project is a good start to start a new model. I hope that all project members will attach great importance and cooperate closely.
It lays the foundation for the Group's informatization strategy, realizes the company's multi-platform collaborative integration, and reaches the company's strategic goals of management informatization and intelligent production line.

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